Feb 07, 2012 03:54
Perhaps I'm too solitaire, too adept at walking on my own, at being myself, too independent, because right now I feel slightly out of place.
I enjoyed something very much, but everyone seems to think it wasn't good enough and, this is a clever fandom, very mature, so if they think so, it must be true and I'm wrong. The point is, I don't SEE anything wrong. And I think perhaps people tend to overanalyse things, but I won't get there because I have already been attacked for saying something similar.
So if I'm wrong, and they are right, and I don't see the wrongness... that makes me stupid and ignorant. My taste has nothing to do with it. My being open-minded, and my ability to appreciate things for what they are and what they could be, instead of what people think they must be, have nothing to do with it. There is something wrong with me, as a fan, and as a woman.
Clearly, I don't belong here. Very well, I'll continue my lonely journey as if I didn't have internet and was the only one in the world who read these books and watched these series. It will be like old times.
vidita mía,
i know how twilight fans feel now