Oct 01, 2011 03:27
It's been forever since I updated - how are you all? I got swallowed up by tumblr and life and work and books and not much else, really, but enough to keep me away from lj.
About a month ago, as I was coming back from work, I stepped on a rock, slipped, didn't fall, and carried on, feeling shaken but not obviously hurt. The next two days my hip and left leg felt very stiff, I blamed it
on the strain, it'll go away, nevermind. A few days later I did pilates and stretched the affected area (stretching usually works for me, I must have been a rubber band in another life) and went home. The next
morning I couldn't get out of bed. I couldn't stay in bed either. I experienced the frustrating feeling every tortoise in the world gets when they fall on their backs without leverage, flailing limbs and all, though I hope they don't suffer the excruciating pain that clutched my lower half.
I had hurt my sciatic nerve and pulled my hipbone out of line - all because of one stupid, stray rock
on the street. Lots of physiotherapy and rest have put me more or less back to rights, but I'm still wearing a binder around my hips, which makes the sudden heat (it's early spring here) quite uncomfortable. At least it hides the extra kilos I put on during winter. See? I can do silver lining too :D
This also worked very well as an excuse to kip on mum's bed and take over the telly, to watch everything I had been postponing so far. I'm currently watching the final episodes of the fourth season of Doctor
Who and having my heart broken one episode a day. I understand the frenzied feelings around this subject now.
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