I was painfully, though briefly, reminded I have kidneys, so I'm feeling slightly heavier and puffy, thanks to the 436 litres of water I've been drinking throughout the weekend. I'm better now, and it certainly didn't stop me from celebrating Mother's Day with my own :D
It also didn't stop me from flailing and gesturing angrily at the monitor of my computer during this week's episode.
I'll use my new-found-yet-poor skills with macroing to express myself:
Yes it was fun, yes Rufus always makes things better, yes it was nice to get away from the boys and their angsty o-brother-who-art-thou, yes yes yes.
But you can't be that much of a bastard to the thing that helped you prevent Apocalypse and gave you back the ability to walk. I'm the first to acknowledge the fact that I'm more than a little biased because I like Crowley. But let's try and be objective.
1) Hadn't it been for Crowley, they wouldn't have reached Death. Death couldn't look for Dean on its own, he was leashed.
2) He saved them from the hell-hounds. One can argue this was on his own interests, but he could have left the boys to their own devices, counting on Sam's powers.
3) I'm leaving the Colt out because it was completely useless in the end, but it showed his good, if selfish, intentions.
4) The most important bit to me: he put Bobby back on his feet when it wasn't even on the contract! He did it because he wanted to!
What are the probabilities of Bobby getting to heaven at the end? There could have been another way to get your soul back, man. And that "burning demons' bones get them fried"... why bring that up now, when it could have been useful two seasons behind? ¬¬ Seems to me someone's trying to get rid of the best demon ever in a quick, clean-cut way. Because there's no way Crowley's ever so mcuh as glance in their direction again.
Did not like.
The rest? Fun, fun, fun. But I couldn't really appreciate it in the end.
Going back to enjoy lovely Benedict's voice :D