Jan 29, 2007 17:54
The most FAQ I get from strangers is "did that hurt"... can't I guy have pencils through his ears with out going through pain... I guess it's a very logical "?" but I don't know , the answer seems obvious enough dosen't it... did that hurt.. well at some point something hade to be stabed through me, and that damageg nerves , so I guess in truth it hurt, but obviously not enough to keep me from doing it. such a funny question to ask, it depends completly on the persons interpritation of pain. and my guess is any one with more then a few holes or ink in their body judges pain in a different way then some one with none(I know thats not accurate, but it's a generalization and I know it) I don't know ... just interesting. Lets see. Life, um, I'm working my way into a frustration melt down. I'm getting syuff done , but I keep getting frustrated with everything, I'm not depressed, well, not much any more any way , from time to time, but mainly just frustrated. Graphics not working, or a composit, or seeing BF and GF and feeling lonly , or sexualy represed , or finding a place that is perfect to try to get a job at but it's in CA, or NY or something. and I just don't feel like doing something at the moment I should be doing it , but if I did do it it wont be as good as I want it to be..... GAHHHHH! . but it's realative. cause like I said , I'm getting things done. ust frustrated. what else is neww.. um, El and greg got back togeather, which is good, I like him , he's good peoples, and I was actualy quite sad for myself as much as el when they broke up because greg wouldn't be around to hang out with. but they got back togeather, which is lovely.. um, oh , I aparently miss judged the amount I was drinking the other night and ranted at El for 5 mins about how extream cave dark is. Oh! and it is , if you've never seen it , or , well , not seen it , you should, just sit there in the dark wet cave for like 5 10 min , and it will fuck with you . but certainly not worth ranting at some one about , so , oops , hope theres no hard feelings. lets se, oh , band is kicking ass, working on a demo , doing vocals for it later tonight. so thats the awsome. um, I miss charlstone, I was only there for a few days , but it was nice, and there was a beach , and it was grate to see ally again , miss her to , and sam and john. but I'll see them again befor to long I hope. yeah , okay , I guess thats the bassic run down of life at the moment, things to do , keep working, try not to brake down in frustration, get a job, hang out with dallas more, hang out with durkin more, get gigs for the band, get a girlfriend, or at least go on a date with a stranger, something to remind myself I'm not reomanticly dead inside. and keep on keepin on.