Mar 08, 2005 19:40
Hey ppl,
I felt like crap today,so I didn't go to skool.My day was kind of boring...but I did dye my hair =) ...The color is "black cherry" and it looks awesome,I loved it....
sry i haven't typed in a long time.i've been really busy w/exams and everything(btw:i got my bio one back and i have a C,and on my Spanish one i got an F!!it was all writing,and i didn't have that much time to study for it bcause i had both of them on the same day..oh well)
I'm really happy though,Me and my bf have been together for a year and 4 days(yay!).i love him so much =) .Our anniversary was last Friday =)
We went to see The Pacifier(which was really funny,jtlyn) and then we went out to eat..I got sick to my stomach though >=( ...of all dayz...
It was soo much fun though.I also went to an all-grls sleepover,and he went to an all boyz sleepover(there's a REALLY funny story behind that,but i don't have time to type it out right i will next time)
Well,I gotta go catch up on my reading for English(we're reading Great Expectations,and it kinda sux).l8er