Apr 17, 2010 03:26
(Two people, A and B. Meant to be gender-neutral.)
A: So I went to my grandpa's funeral last weekend.
B: I'm sorry to hear that.
A: Yeah, these things happen. He had lived a full life, so I don't feel so bad. My mom's taking it kinda hard. But get this: turns out he had at least one secret life.
B: At least one?
A: Yeah, this older woman showed up and none of us recognized her, so we assumed she was someone from Marco Island or something. But afterward she approaches my father and grandmother and tells them she's the other wife.
B: You sure she wasn't lying?
A: Well she didn't want anything from us. Just wanted to make sure we knew the truth. My grandma though, she was really upset about it. Started arguing with this other woman and it started getting heated. But then, my grandpa's best friend since kindergarten, Garrett, made this big deal of clearing his throat. They kept bickering, so finally he had to stand between them. Turns out, he had told only one person about this secret life of his, and that was Garrett. Course, now my grandma turns on him, saying what right did he have to keep secrets, etc., etc.
B: Shit man.
A: Yeah, I know. He just bit his tongue while she lost her shit. Funny thing is, I think he still had more secrets.
B: Yeah?
A: Yeah, I dunno, it's a feeling I get. Maybe it's just 'cause I saw this big burly guy get bitched out by my frail grandmother. I mean, once a liar always a liar, right?
B: You think your grandpa was that type of guy?
A: Maybe. I didn't really know him that well. There are certainly things I've done that no one knows about. Not even me if you count the girls I've forgotten. (beat) I mean, 70 years is a long time.
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