Title: The Odds Are
Rating: T
Pairings: House/Wilson friendship (slash goggles possible)
Spoilers: 8x20 Post-Mortem
Summary: House confronts Wilson with the odds.
A/N: Let's pretend that House, after repressing all his feelings, is capable of letting it all out in a relatively healthier way than drowning himself in Vicodin and alcohol. Also, this may
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(Also, kudos for Wilson liking his eyebrows. We all do. :P)
Oh, Wilson's eyebrows. They could have a show of their own. I get a huge kick out of gifs that showcase his eyebrow movements. Haha.
Anyway, they would not do it to Wilson's beautiful mop and eyebrows (should that not give him away with the bar-women? No hair on his head but still eyebrows and stubble (and elsewhere too)?
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