Jul 05, 2002 08:46
sorry i havent in awhile, but you know me, my life is just teemin with screamin, and all that good stuff. but ya know. i'm goin for the big 5 weeks that i havent seen my friends. its no fun someone should fix this. i've been on alot of dates, strange isnt it, so in my love realm things are doin great sort of, its still really hard to go anywhere to see these people when you have my parents but hey what r u ggonna do? but ya know. i just finished my service project at the radio station, that was fun, sort of, TV listings are a bitch, i hate them, now when i look at the tv guide i'm gonna cross out things with y mind,thats not fun. anyway, the biggest problem i have now is my parents. as usual, of course no one thouht my parents were that strange until the day ross' dad was bringin us to the movies and we got a phone call to cal mother to see if everything was ok. STRANGE, and last night i was tlkin to people very important people, awww, tony, and umm it was only 11:30 and dad walks in the room, a nd says your mom wants you to go to bed she doesnt wanna hear all the noise you make. (btw the fuckin speakeres werent even on) and btw they never used to care how late i was on during school, it makes no sense, and they still dont believe that my friends are actually on that late which everyone knows they are, espcecially nicole (3am) haha and theyre startin to be like i dont want your office door closed, cuz you maybe hiding somethign from us, LMAO, if only they knew. LMAO theyre just talkin about normal str8 porn and all that, i just have to hide my conversations from them, and every time they walk in i have to minimize everything its a nightmare, i had a dream that my stepfather abused me like hit me in the facce and broke one of my ribs, i'm kinda scared as to what that portends, but hey if he does, we're talkin lawsuit running away anything, i almost want to be taken away from this family, i mean after all, according to mom "i'm such a burden and bother to other people" it would only make sense that i'm a bother to them too, like if i'm invited somewhere like i was wednesday, i was invited to spend the nighgt and as soon as i got there i was just planning on being dropped off, well ,i was wrong, she was like lemme go in and say hello, she didnt say hello at all, her greeting was "did yall invite him? or did he invite himself? cuz if yall dont really want him here i'll take him home" now that family understands the hellish life, anad of course being gay doenst help everything must be a lie and on top of all that my "straight lies" as i like to call them, must also be hidden from them, what does my mm want me to do. grr if i were ot have a hooters calendar in my room for example, she would rip up the filth on my wall and ground me for having such blatantly sacreligious propaganda. blaa blaa blaa. so does that mean she wants me to look at guys, i'm confused. i wanna keep talkin but its useless. the only purpose it serves is to get this stuff of my chest, but even though that helps to an extent i cant face hem. if i went head to head with them i'd lose, i already did once. now it'd just be 10x worse. my real da once when they were married bought porn as any man would (especialy if they were married to my mom) and she found it and cut out all the pictures, its like have a litle fun bitch. thats wasting paper, i can see why my dad divorced. speakin of this subject, i found my stepdads porn stash so if i need to black mail him i'm gona tell her where that is. haha although she's so "in love" with him she'd say something stupid like "its ok if you have that" when in actualyity she'd say that just to spite me and make me lose. everything must be a contest, and eveything must be a hiden thing, lie or truth. there's a 76.85% chance i'll make it out of here insane. supposedly i'm already startin to slip away.
hows that for your precious little update. mwahahaha. i'll try to write more often but last night trigered me to write again. i'm leavin out stories i'm sure i always am. there are just too many of these things everyday.
like just now my mom walked in and asked me what i was doin and i had minimized everything as usual cuz i just called hera bitch and all and i said writing an talkiin to my friends. even though there are friends online right now i'm just writing but she was like "your friends are on this early" nad i said ya know they stay up til like midnight so there's nothing wrong with that. her response "they're crqazy they're gonna corrupt themselves dont you o that if i ever catch you blaablaablaa anll that shit (btw all my friends and me are already corrupted). and i hate the fact that EVERYONES parents except for mine are totally ok with me being gay, its just my luck that i get stuck with these three. but ya know. talk later, maybe if i'm lucky see ya'll later.