Our Hermia, Laura, is very talented, very, especially for a woman in her twenties. She's not a good enough actress to hide how much she dislikes me, though. It should make the catfight scene realistic, if nothing else.
Still, Helena fits, beyond the 'painted maypole' bit. I feel for her, though I doubt anyone would believe me. Look good in bathers and everyone thinks your life is perfect.
It's as close to perfect as I'll get. And I'm happy. I have everything I need. There are things that won't change and that I can't fix or help, there are things I've said and done, but alcohol won't help any of that. All I can do is wake up every day and remind myself of how lucky I am.
77 days until the wedding. The dress is finished; I can't imagine that I'll gain or lose enough weight in seventy-seven days for it to make a difference. Some night we're going to have to think about a guest list, because it may be more complex than we'd like, unless we keep it small. Small would be nice. Family, close friends, Muggle or not?
We'll see.
Victor spent last night on our couch, I didn't ask who'd punched him, but I don't suppose it matters. He's going to keep doing this to himself until he figures it out himself, because no one can force you to believe that you shouldn't only do what the people you care about say.
And I don't know what's going on with Clive. Maybe it's best I don't bother.
I will outright admit that I've run lines with Kingsley just so we could have this exchange:
Helena (me): O, when she's angry, she is keen and shrewd!
She was a vixen when she went to school;
And though she be but little, she is fierce.
Hermia (Kingsley): 'Little' again! nothing but 'low' and 'little'!
Why will you suffer her to flout me thus?
Let me come to her.
Shakespearean short jokes. I do love this play. Francis, can I run lines with you next?
The third of my second cousins -- three girls, poor Wayne will be outnumbered! -- came along recently, the lovely Victoria Frobisher, who's got just as much fighting spirit as her parents. Sam, she's darling, between her and Leah I am terribly jealous of your Frobisher genes.
No good matches this week. On the other hand, due to a stroke of luck I happen to have four tickets to Bats/Wasps. Anyone interested?