MY FIRST ATTEMPT AT SPEED PAINTING!!! this is what happens when the board of education sends me home without any homework. plus i needed a break from all the school drama. SO. uummm.. i don't quite know how i feel about it yet. it looks kinda sloppy, but i tried not to put so much effort into it and just let it ~flow, since it's, you know, speed painting. y/n/idk/idgaf? LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK, PLS! :D
i basically ref'ed + took the color scheme off of a banner i made a while back. i don't know if that's cheating. i'm gonna saaaayyy.. no.
Addison Montgomery (who i met in the summary) Speed-Paint:
WIP: Product: Photoshop CS
6(ish) hours
12 layers
that was fun.
ETA: wow, lots of Kate/Addison in my last posts. let's add something else to the mix. what else is fantastically pretty and pretty fantastic? hmm... BUNNIES!!
ETAA: and, for
crazychica802's sake, PUPPIES!!!