Jun 30, 2010 22:16
[If you ever wondered how many people could fit into a small, two-bedroom apartment, you have your answer: six. Someone had accidentally left the camera on their laptop on, set conveniently on the kitchen high-counter, giving a good view of a few of the people striding in and out to get a soda or a snack. The refrigerator, which is in plain view, has a variety of cereals stacked a top it, and various novelty magnets with papers and comics that are too far from the camera to be legible.
The peace is suddenly shattered by the sound of furious barking and the shriek of a cat. The camera wavers and juggles on the counter, followed by various voices and the crash of some off-screen piece of furniture. Someone slips, someone yells something muffled that sounds like "Calliope" and another person calls "Ein," and chaos ensues. A gray kitten darts up the counter and onto the top of the fridge, knocking over the boxes of cereal in an unceremonious attempt to get away. She paces on the fridge, barks heard among the crash. A corgi bounces on its tiny legs, head arched up toward the kitten.
Cue the rest of the household trying to still the chaos.]
* video,
* action