ETA. * Someone
tweeted today she saw the S2 trailer on ITV3. So anyone in the UK and with a TV, be on the lookout. (I'm currently in a place w/o one for the next few days, so no chance of catching it let alone recording it.)
* Uploaded ITV clips to YouTube for those outside the UK:
Click to view
Click to view
* The S2 website has been
unveiled @ ITV and the most interesting additions are two exclusive BTS clips:
Phenomenon of Downton: Julian Fellowes, production and cast talk about the phenomenal success of Downton Abbey, which kept up to 12 million people around Britain hooked every week and has since been enjoyed by millions more across the globe.
The cast interviews are intermixed with S1 scenes, but towards the end of the clip, there's some bts footage of S2 (over Zoe Boyle's interview).
Introduction to Series 2: Julian Fellowes et al. recall how the first series ended and introduce the second series of the highly acclaimed period drama.
Interviews with Fellowes, Gareth Neame, Alastair Bruce, Liz Trubridge over S2 bts footage.
Phenomenon of Downton:
Introduction to Series 2:
I haven't read the synopses for S2E1 so please don't spoil it for me in the comments :) in case they're related to these screencaps. I have a rough idea of what happens in the 1st ep. but would still like to leave some room for surprise.
* Last but not least,
press association interview with Joanne Froggatt and Amy Nuttall. Includes scenes from S2E1 with Anna and Ethel, with brief peek at Robert, Cora, Sybil, Mrs Hughes and the Dowager Countess. They won't let me embed the interview so you'll have to watch it on YouTube.