Drabble: Three Seconds

Oct 10, 2011 20:59

Title: Three seconds    
Author: eviebean  
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Sybil/Branson, Anna/Bates, Matthew/Mary
Warnings:  It's 132 words rather then 100. I am willing to accept punishment for this.
Challenge: 2. Distraction

It only took one second of getting distracted.

Just one moment where he stared at her in the rear view mirror for too long, just one moment where she noticed.

It only took one second of getting distracted.

Just that moment where she really forgot about that blasted step between the hallway and the kitchen entrance. She thanks her lucky stars that he was fast enough to catch her before she fell and embarrassed herself.

It only took one second of getting distracted.

At the garden party, right after the world has changed for good, he gets distracted from his conversation. In that distraction, he can something new in her eyes. Something that wasn't there before now. He thinks that it's love, even if she'll never admit to it out loud.

character: matthew crawley, character: anna smith, author: eviebean, character: john bates, character: tom branson, character: sybil crawley, challenge 02: distraction, character: mary crawley

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