Title: Almost Unwelcome
jadeandlilacRating: K
Character/s/Pairings: Mary, Matthew, Richard, Mary/Matthew, Mary/Richard
Warnings: None
Mary kept the back of Matthew’s head in sight. She let her eyes flit surreptitiously back to it periodically, tracking its movements, noting its enthusiastic approval of the grand staircase, the towering tree in the hall. From where he was locked in reluctant conversation with Granny, Richard’s eyes were similarly trained on her own back - she felt them quite clearly and it made her stand stiffly, shoulders tensed. How she wished that Matthew cared a little less about pleasing her father - if he’d had enough sense to decline their invitation, they might all have spent a more agreeable Christmas.
At a break in her mother’s chatter, Mary looked up to find blue eyes fixed on her; anxiety plucked at her stomach, but his gaze seemed to bathe her in warmth, softening the practiced set of her features. But of course, it could only be the champagne that made her feel so very lightheaded.
“I see that Mr. Crawley approves of the décor.” Richard’s voice dripped with familiar bitterness, his fingers resting with controlled ease on her elbow.
“I’m rather tired of looking at it. Shall we step outside for a breath of air?” It was easy to talk gaily, to slip her hand into the crook of Richard’s arm with those blue eyes out of sight. As they stepped into the fresh snow covering the courtyard and the noise of the party fell away, it took almost no effort to glance approvingly over the quiet grounds and silvered trees. The night air slid over her, cold and quelling.
“Well?” A half-smile crept toward his eyes as he looked at her. They were the blue-grey of winter, of morning. It was easy to turn up her face to his kiss; she felt a small fraction of her heart curl inward as if in shame.