Well well I havent updated in a very long while. (well long compared to all you livejournal obbsessed freaks, jkjk.) Maybe its because all the computers are utterly USELESS. I meanit computers are upsetting me so much that Im considereing changing my carreer goal. Buisness and sales/managament is seeming alot better than computer electronics and technology right now. All these computers are more unstable than a hippie on a cold turkey acid recovery trip. Ah ne wayz...
Life has been all the same shit, just different days. Tried that sylivia D shit and not really likeing it all that much. Isnt that the same thing as morning glory? or am I confused? No se. Im going to the mall today with alex, but I have a docters appt. too which is annoying because I didnt know about it untill today at 6 in the morning. I had to ask steph to work for me but its ok cuz work sucks. I dont know whats wrong with everyone lately. Fucking crazy bitches. First Josh chucks a ketsup(?) bottle and now jason threating me and I dont know what nicks problem is latly. I think we all need some prozac. The whole world would be a better place. (wait isnt prozac a placibo?)
School sucks.
6 days till doom day.