Feb 07, 2005 16:22
Oh lord. This weekend was so crazy i dont even know where to start ... welp, i guess from the beginnin
Went to Mels.. got drunk.. uumm.. OH .. good lord Lauren is one crazy bitch. i like her better drunk tho haha. everything she said was 'Erin, its your mission from God to...' lol.. she cracks me up i love her. She ended up throwin up tho that was kinda nasty she startin int he bathroom thank god n then they took her out on the porch n she thru up ON the porch and kept wantin me n brandy to go out there, i couldnt do it everytime i opened the door shed start gaggin. uh i cant handle that. Theenn.. uumm. I went to bed n had to wake up at 8:30 to go home.. oh gawd this is the good part
*Saturday Morn*
Come home n theres a fuckin toyota tacoma in my parkin spot *it was a really cute truck but.. it was in my spot so i dindt like it* so i was like.. what the hell i dont even know who drives that. So i come in my house n my bedroom doors' open n my lights on so i go back here and no ones in here so iwas like.. ookkaayy so then i check in Jakes room n no one was in there so then it hit me mom had a booty call over. So me n Ashley r lookin round for the grocery list becuase thats the whole damn reason i haadd to come home so i could go to the store for her. So i dont see it so i was like.. whew okay igotta go to moms room. So i open the door and sure nough some guy was in bed with her *they had sheets over em .. thank gawd* n i just opened the door n i was like.. MAKE ME A SHOPPIN LIST and closed the door lol. THEENNN.. i come out to the kitchen n thers a plate with a straw on it.. so that means they were doin some baadddd stuff.. im sure ur smart enough to figure it out. then the guy has the nerve to come out and say.. 'hey how ya doin'.. i dont think i have ever gave someone that bad of a dirty look.. ugh ..
*Saturday night*
We go out to Mondex.. I see Shane out there *Summers bf* i called her we talked for a while then i seen Katie n Eva n Whitney.. umm what else. Me n ashley rode around a lil bit then.. we went bak to camp set up the tents n shit then.. i was gettin pissed becuase Jimbob was bein mean to me sayin i couldnt ride on the golf cart with the golf cart dude so i just went n sat in my truck (my the way my momma got it stuck in the beginnin too.. grr) so then i was done whinnin came out n my momma was like.. 'what r u cryin about' in that annoyin voice she does i was like.. nothin. n shes like 'is it becuase no one will take you for a ride' i was like.. umm nooo. n she was like.. 'GO GET UR ASS IN THE TENT I DONT WANNA LOOK AT UR SHIT' i swear to god she calls EVERYTHING either her shit or your shit. ugh so i had to go to the tent. LOL... i felt like a fuckin 5 year old. then i really started cryin LOL.. lord. Then Sunday we went out to the big mud hole and igot sooo dirty i looked like a nigger haha it was realy funny. I was on the 4wheeler and i let this girl take me fora ride becuse i had been drivin and she went thru the middle and she went really fast n i leaned back and then she stopped all of a sudden in the middle andi flew forward and then back again.. and i was just covered... im not talkin like.. splattered. i mean COOVVVEERREEDD o coudnt see shit it was all in my teeth and everything .. it was funny tho mom and Jake took a picture of it haha. and then ummm.. yeah i seen jeremy out there and we seen katei again i took her n Eva for a ride.. Then Whitney came over and hugged us n was like.. how the hell are ya! n then she was like.. alright be careful now. lol she was tooorreee up. but it was all good i had a good time over all.. septs bein sent to the damn tent that pissed me off. but .. my mom still acted like a whore but hey.. i didnt get in a fight with anybody iw as really proud of myself. I almost kicked this girls ass she came up there to our fire with this other girl and .. okay theres like 20 poeple round a lil fire idindt have room anyways i dont need extra people okay? so i told her that n then they got all mad n left.. but its all good..
I didnt go to school today cause i was still too dirty i still got it in my hair... Ashley n summer cam3e over they skipped 4th period.. i found out some stuff idunno if its good or bad tho lol well see soon enough.. but yeah! im gonna go ill write later maybe