Jul 27, 2004 15:18
IM FINALLY HOME !! omg.. u do not even know how wonderful florida is til.. u go to cali for 4 weeks.. i hated it .. its the worst place on earth.. lol.. of course unless u like bein round chinese n mexican n indian n gay peopel all the time that dont speak english and cant drive n huge hills that jus have dead grass and some are black because they catch on fire ! Then calis the place for you ! .. and goodness.. on the way back.. Arizona is soo hott ! at 6pm it was still 101 degrees out.. n when the wind blew.. ud think it'd cool you off.. but no it made it hotter.. lol.. n dad said someone that he worked with said .. if you dont leave the windows rolled down in ur car then the heat n the pressure will make ur windows crack ! haha.. anyhow.. then texas was really pretty.. i likd it.. ndad bought me a shirt that said.. *the spirit of dixie will NEVER die* its cute with the rebel flag n an eagle.. n then.. i slept thru some of lousiana and all of mississippi n alabama.. yepp yepp.. lol.. n now im home !! oh goodness.. and that new song from George Strait came on the radio.. *I hate everything* n one part is like.. i hate my job, i hate my life, if it wasnt for my 2 kids, id hate my ex wife.. n my dad started cryin.. it was sad.. he misses mom alot.. but.. As Mike would say.. shit happens ! oh well.. ill write later! gotta unpack !!