Feb 14, 2009 19:28
i want to act like i don't care about getting a wimpy job at wimpy jamba juice. then they drop this whole "second interview" thing. i have to try twice as hard to get a job that i know is going to be miserable (based on various accounts). bah. crawling all over powell and market today, i see swarms of people nearing the numbers of christmas eve. what recession? why are people competing with lawyers to work at a coffee shop? so i'm having to turn myself inside to see frozen juice to yoga moms. fine.
meanwhile.. recording yesterday and today. dagnabbit. from 11am to 10pm yesterday and 10am to 4pm today. epic rad. re-recorded ironic gen and shaper AND recorded house from here. exhausting but fun. you know how you spend too much time at the beach and then you feel like you're on waves all night? i feel that way about studio time. i can think of nothing but the songs. my throat hurts before i even see a mic.
i think i'm sick. Jayne's got the same thing. i blame her new boyfriend. who is a scruffy bike messanger from oakland who does secret mating calls to cyclists and pops wheelies down mission street for no reason. and got us sick! he's like that barrel-chested romance novel gardener character of forbidden love who makes the proper lady-of-the-house talk about nothing but him and rose bushes for paragraphs. except with bikes.
valentines day! we aren't doing anything. it's just too dumb. people get in fights on valentines day because the pressure to be a happy couple is way turned up. so i'm cleaning the house (read: writing in lj about the idea of cleaning the house) and burning a steak. i also want to sautee some veggie type things. also went to good vibes. so a clean house, meaty meal, and so on.
Jaron is still very sad. i miss the little bird too, and the house is totally empty without his constant commentary. i'm mostly just sad because Jaron's joy in life has been ripped from him. i can't be happy if he isn't. he's playing psychonauts to become cheery.
should start worrying more about graduation papery things. will.
Mindy, not much is sadder than christmas presents with dust on them. when you aren't too busy with your fyoochure.........