Jul 20, 2005 06:46
Well bitcheszzz, I am finally leaving here. Are you going to miss me, casue I will sure miss you all.
Lately I have been doing a lot of thinking like more than usual, and I think camping is going to help me feel a lot better. When my family goes camping everything is surreal, but for some reason its great. There is less fighting and a ton of personal time. I think everyone should have their own version of camping.
Oh I still dont know what to get some of my friends while camping. I am thinking something from Ben and Jerrys cause that place kicks ass and Kelly likes their icecream so maybe (obviously wont be icecream). Saucy on the other had is real tricky cause its not like I am going out to buy her a jar of Prego. .. (No need to comment dont buy me anything casue I wont read it in time, and I wont care)
Hmmm yeah, well that is all except I would like to have somw sympathy for today and my last day camping. Today I am stuck in a three hour car ride with a man that needs anger management and a brother that needs ADHD medication .. mind you hes not on it. On the last day I have those two guys again and my mother and ove bearing control freak who will get easily frustrate (not as easily as my dad) that will be trying to pack when all we want to do is chill
So now I am off to pack the car then off to the wilderness. Yes, and entire 3 hour car ride so I can kick dirt.( The dirt is prettier than you .. you know who I am tlaking about)
PS- Thanks to my nifty survival guide made by Ashley/Allyssa (kinda) I will survive the woods =D