1) are your parents married or divorced?
They were still together last I checked. Who knows what happened after I died.
2) vegetarian?
3) heaven?
You're fucking shitting me, right?
4) come close to dying?
...You could say that, yeah.
5) what jewelry do you wear?
Whatever I feel like. No earrings - getting the damn things pierced over and over again loses its charm very quickly.
6) are you eating?
What, currently? No.
7) do you eat the stems of broccoli?
...Who doesn't?
8) makeup?
When I feel like it.
9) virgin?
Not for a while now. *grin*
10) would you ever have plastic surgery?
It'd be irredeemably pointless, but I might do it on a bet.
11) what do you wear to bed?
As little as possible.
12) have you ever done anything illegal?
Plenty. Nothing I can specifically recall at the moment.
13) can you roll your tongue?
14) pluck your eyebrows?
Why would I bother?
15) what kind of watch(es) do you wear?
I don't wear a watch.
16) abortion?
...If by any bizarre, farfetched miracle I managed to conceive a child, you can bet your ass I wouldn't dream of getting rid of the thing, if only because it'd so clearly be a gift from some fickle and generous god.
17) Hair color?
18) future child's name?
I really, really doubt this would ever come up.
19) do you snore?
On occasion.
20) if you could go anywhere in the world on a vacation, where would you go?
21) do you sleep with stuffed animals?
No. (Wait. Does Clark count?)
22) if you won the lottery, what would you do first?
Rejoice? Buy gifts for all my friends? Fuck, I don't know.
23) gold or silver?
24) hamburger or hot dog?
Hot dog. (*wink*)
25) if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
I think I'll go with something nice and tasty that you can get a lot of variety out of, like waffles. Or I could take the cop-out answer and say 'not applicable'.
26) beach, city, or country?
Doesn't matter to me. Downside, the city's where I work and the country's where I hang my proverbial hat. So either of those, I guess. I've never been much for beaches.
27) who was the last person you touched?
28) where do you eat?
Anywhere but L'Etoile. Seriously, you work in a place's kitchen once, you lose all desire to dine there.
29) when's the last time you cried?
After the - thing. With Jasmine. During my quaint little hobo phase, and after it.
30) have you loved somebody so much it makes you cry?
31) would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
32) ever been involved with the police?
...Legally, or carnally? Um, neither, come to think of it. Unless somebody or other has had a job when they were alive they didn't tell me about, but that really doesn't count, does it?
33) believe in Santa?
Which one?
34) do you talk in your sleep?
Yeah, once in a while.
35) beach or pool
Pool. Mine. The one with the tubs on the roof.
36) can you cross your eyes?
37) what's your favorite song at the moment?
Van Halen. 'Good Enough.' Gotta love a guy who can sing about blowjobs with a straight face.
38) window seat or aisle?
Window, so I can stare out it.
39) ever met any famous bands/singers/actors?
*grin* More than met.
40) do you feel that you've ever had a truly successful relationship?
I hope the one I'm currently in will turn out that way. It's looking like it might. Before this? Fuck no.
41) do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
42) ricki lake or oprah winfrey?
I barely remember who these people are. Um, Oprah, because her name is slightly less dumb.
43) would you ever admit to having done plastic surgery of any kind if confronted?
Why would I deny it?
44) how long does your shower last?
Depends. Am I alone in it?
45) do you drive stick?
In an actual car? No.
46) cake or ice cream?
Can't I have both?
47) where'd it go?
*looks innocent* How should I know?
48) what time do you get up?
Whenever's convenient.
49) have you ever given money to a bum?
Yep. Curiously enough, only when I was one.
50) when was your first crush?
Um, when I was alive? Don't ask me for dates, it's been a while.
51) where do you wish you were?
With Clark.
52) have you ever broken someone's heart?
Yeah. *shuffle*
53) ever been given a ring?
Only in a hi-it's-your-second-thousand-will-you-have-sex-with-me sense.
54) Longest relationship?
No idea. I don't keep track.
55) last gift you received:
To tell you the truth, I really don't remember.
56) last sport you played?
Does dancing count?
Does sex?
57) things you spend a lot of money on?
Nothing I can think of offhand. Probably cooking supplies.
58) where do you live?
Apartment in Metropolis.
59) high school you attend(ed):
You expect me to know this after five thousand years? Get real.
60) last wedding attended:
None that I recall.
61) favorite fast food restaurant:
62) where do you work:
L'Etoile de Paris. Don't make me search up the ASCII code, just pretend that E has an accent.
63) can you cook?
Fuck yes I can.
64) most hated food:
65) can you sing?
Reasonably well.
66) last concert attended:
One of Ensorra's.
67) favorite nonalcoholic drink:
68) favorite alcoholic drink:
*shrugs* I don't really care. I'll say screwdriver, just because it's the first one I thought of.
69) current crush?
*grins at question number* I do suppose that'd be Clark.