Title: Fireworks
Fandom: ST:XI
Characters/Pairing: Jim/Spock
Rating: G
Word Count: ~250
Warning: None
Summary: Fireworks had never looked more beautiful to Jim than they did when reflected in Spock’s eyes.
Fireworks had never looked more beautiful to Jim than they did when reflected in Spock’s eyes.
They sat in the middle of a large field, nestled in folding chairs provided by their host, a large quilt draped over their outstretched legs. Spock sat with his head tilt back, his near-black eyes wide and his pupils dilating with each blast in the sky.
With the first boom, Spock’s entire body had stiffened, his hand shooting to take a protective hold of Jim’s arm. But with each following boom, the Vulcan seemed to realize that the explosions were harmless. He relaxed against his seat, his grip loosened and his eyes just grew wider. They were filled with wonder and curiosity and Jim found it absolutely mesmerizing.
Jim tried hard to watch the display, but found himself distracted by the way the color splashed over his mate’s face, casting his alabaster skin in hues of reds, blues, and purples. They danced across his cheeks, settling in the whites of Spock’s eyes, making them shine brighter than Jim had ever seen. It was gorgeous and he couldn’t look away.
However, his subject quickly caught onto the fact that he was being watched.
“Jim,” Spock lowered his head slowly, turning his face to the other. “You’re missing them.”
Jim watched the colors filter through Spock’s hair, across his lips as he spoke and he simply smiled.
“Nah,” he gently slid his arm out from under Spock’s, letting their fingers brush before draping his arm around the other’s chair. “I’ve got a pretty good view right here.”