Jun 28, 2005 19:42
last day of my d line foot ball camp today, it was pritty sweet and all, its only been two dyas but thoughs guys there with me where great, really made me feel better then i have been feeling latly, i had to pick pat up in foot ball drill today, i did it. after foot ball i was pressed for time cause band practice started at 12, same time i got outa foot ball so i went home took a shower and headed over there. we practice and went over what songs we wanted on our show set list and i like it alot, we are plaing on having shows like every week comin up so if you missed the first one then here is your chance to see us. ill post some dates up when i know so keep checkin this out. we are also going to be recording tomrrow and if not soon so check pure volume for some new stuff that im sure everyone will like. thanks everyone who over the past few days tryin to keep my life in order, been very heptic and it seemed one bad thing after another happend, id like to thank a few people for helppin the crap outa me.
first off steve and scott, and all from my old naborhood, its great we can all hang out all night and do nothing at all but it helps somehow.
next everone from the foot ball camp, it was a fun 8 hours and you guys are great, im ganna miss the good old d line camp.
and last but by far not least id like to thank alex, kevin, mark, and andrew (moxey) because when i play with you guys i gett this feeling that is un like ne other and it gives me a sence of hope, you guys are another family to me and i really thank you for that, ha like today i came outside with the 16 track and all i see is alex and andrew bobbin there hands and heads to this rap song and it was effin funny man you guys are great people. lets do some shows.