(no subject)

Mar 21, 2005 20:21

About Yourself

Created by thesweetness08 and taken 43 times on bzoink!
You...NameKyleAge15B-dayapril 16Horoscope SignariesFavorite...ColorblackMoviethe vilageSongchanges alot, right now its niki fmPhraseuh ha haWho would...You die forany1 who loves meKiss Witha sharkDo homework forworld peaceCry withthe cryersTalk withthe talkersWatch a movie withmyselfGo to a party withno oneWould you...Drink beerwith stone cold steve aston, cool guy he beSleep over at the opposite sex houseidk who you are, im sleepin overSneak outto the cicusEat worms24-7Do your business in the woodsill do anyones business in the woodsGo on a reality showmy life is one great big reality showGo sky divewithout a parashootAre you...NicenoSweetno, im bitter to the dying endEasy to get along withnahinsanein a sencelovableim just so gosh darn couddleyrudeCOUGH...nowackyand tackydruggieha ha noooloving lifewhats to love but love itself
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