TV-MA: The Reunion

Sep 14, 2005 17:16

It has been over a year that I have actually been to the studio and around 2 years that I have gone for a Tuesday edition of TV-MA. Needless to say I was very excited to get back to the studio for a “Reunion” edition of TV-MA… one last time.

The whole reunion gimmick kinda started as a joke between Andrew, Nick, and I. Over the last couple years of TV-MA there was always talk about doing a sleeping show, basically where the whole cast sleeps through an edition of TV-MA. I brought this up during the summer to Andrew and he was game for the idea and called Nick to see where he stood on the idea. He liked it and so it was on. Tuesday, September 13th, was the scheduled date where history would be made.

Tuesday - I did the whole school and work gimmicks, got home, and started dubbing some clips to play on the show. The plan was for Nicklebear to pick me up after he got done doing the Valleyfair gimmick. He ran late and I waited until around 8pm to actually get picked up. The car was packed and I had to sit bitch, which was fine with me, I just wanted to get there.

We finally made it around 9pm and we ran in. We played a quick clip and then cut back to see The Franchise and J.O.E. sitting next to each other once again. It was unreal. The original 4 were there! Joe, Bobby, Nick and Kiran! More clips were played and more sleeping positions were made. With Bret O’Brian joining the pack.

It was interesting to see everybody try to hold in their laughter as they tried to sleep. I wonder if anybody actually fell asleep? The time was winding down and with 1 minute left, everybody got on stage and we had a mass sleep fest for the closing moments. Was it true to the old school TV-MA? I can’t really say because I didn’t see the first half of the show, but I have to say that the second half definitely was. No script, just fun.

After the show we did the normal studio stuff, like sitting around in the studio having a meeting until we got kicked out. Standing around some more outside of the SCC building until everybody broke up to go eat and then, of course, the tradition of sitting with the cast and crew at *blank* food place (usually Bennigan’s) and having more good times.

I cashed in my points for the SCC gimmicks. I got a can cooler, a sweatshirt, and a umbrella. The only thing I kept was the can cooler, giving the umbrella to Kiran and the sweatshirt to Weinhaegen. I probably should have thought twice about the umbrella because I got pounded in the nuts by it like 3 times. It’s one of those umbrella’s that are compact so you have to press a button and it shoots out. Brian got me the first time and Bobby got the second and maybe the third. All I know is it hurt like hell. I tried to get Jackal, but I wasn’t very good at it.

We chatted outside for a while and then everybody headed out for Applebee’s, I rode with Allison over there and had a nice chat in the car about random things, including TOGA fucking II! When we got to Applebee’s I was kinda disappointed because they had us tucked away in the corner and there wasn’t even anymore spots left for us (Brian, Weinhaegen, Allison, some dude, and I) to sit. We improvised and connected another table, even though we didn’t do much talking with them. Applebee’s was great fun! After Applebee’s Venom was nice enough to give me a ride home and we had some cool chats on the way as well.

I was a little disappointed at first to see that some people didn’t show up, but then I realized that anybody that didn’t show up because of grudges or because somebody else didn’t go, shouldn’t have gone anyways. This was for paying our respects to the show that brought us all into the wrestling business and put us where we are at right now. Most of all though, it was about having fun and I had a blast. I really miss doing this every week.

TOGA II this Friday! I can’t fucking wait! I better see all you assclowns there! It is shaping up to be a great party and one that I will remember forever. Thanks for reading everybody and look for the special TOGA II edition of blogging from my mind, coming soon! I love you all!

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