Dec 26, 2004 23:55
I just typed a whole bunch of shit to update into my journal and then a god damn pop up came up and made it exit im not gonna type it all out again ill just sum it step dads mom who i hate with all my fucking black cold ass heart bought me a was in a big box...and she told me its and instument...i was excited cause i thought it was a bass cause i need a new one cause my step dad broke the neck off my old one...but it turned out to be one of those cheap ass electric guitars from walmart and i had to front like i liked it...and it kinda sucked....blah blah blah...i didnt get a lot of gifts but a couple of insane clown posse and twiztid cd's....and a lot of money..pretty i guess im goin to the mall pretty moving to my new house on the 30th and the 31st..the new years im gonna probly just unpack the whole gonna see if chris can come over ...if he cant ill just sneak him*wink wink*....
well im gonna call samantha and plan our so called "Killa-Klown Night" none of your