Fen of Color

May 18, 2009 14:42

foc_u: As RaceFail 09 continues, it has become clear that there are those who are hellbent on marginalizing and silencing people of color. In the past few months, minorities have been denigrated by bigoted authors and publishers who have also asserted that Fen of Color are rare and pratically non-existent. Despite numerous discussions and attempts to enlighten on the fact that POCs are fans, writers, artists and just as integral to this genre as our white counterparts, we are continuously dismissed.

On Monday May 18, 2009, we are asking anyone who identifies as a POC/non-white to post this banner, their speculative short stories, artwork, poetry or simply write a post on their favorite fandom on their blogs as an act of protest to show we will not be silent or invisible. The day of protest is entitled Fen Of Color United or more aptly, FOC_U.

White allies can also show solidarity for this event by posting this banner and expressing the need for diversity and speaking out against the bigotry in the genre, through posts and/or their creative work as well.

Though I'm not a POC, it still saddens and angers me to see them so stereotyped and marginalized in science fiction. As much as I loved Teyla in SGA, she could have been amazing in the hands of better writers. Here's hoping for a world where one day we celebrate diversity instead of fighting it or ignoring it.

And a foc_u rec: kittikattie's poignant Fairies Come In Brown.

activism & awareness

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