[VIDEO]~JP dubbed: Friends Season 3

Dec 08, 2011 01:03

フレンズ サード・シーズン
Friends Season 3

First Release: 2002
Origin: US (1996~1997)
Sub: none
RELATED: Joey(TV Series) | Friends Season 2

Rachel Green by Jennifer Aniston(CV: 安達忍/Adachi Shinobu)
Monica Geller by Courteney Cox(CV: 深見梨加/Fukami Rika)
Phoebe Buffay by Lisa Kudrow(CV: 田中敦子/Tanaka Atsuko)
Ross Geller by David Schwimmer(CV: 牛山茂/Ushiyama Shigeru)
Chandler Bing by Matthew Perry(CV: 水島裕/Mizushima Yuu)
Joey Tribbiani by Matt LeBlanc(CV: 平田広明/Hirata Hiroaki)

#01 - #05 Filesonic | Mega
#01 マンハッタンの6人、再び/The One with the Princess Leia Fantasy
#02 身仕度は大騒ぎ!/The One Where No One's Ready
#03 ジャムの味は最高!/The One with the Jam
#04 ジョーイのオーディション/The One with the Metaphorical Tunnel
#05 彼女はイザベラ・ロッセリーニ?/The One with Frank Jr.

#06 - #10 Filesonic | Mega
#06 衝撃!暴かれた過去/The One with the Flashback
#07 教え子はライバル/The One with the Race Car Bed
#08 フィービーに殺人疑惑?/The One with the Giant Poking Device
#09 フットボールは燃えるぜ!/The One with the Football
#10 レイチェルのトラバーユ/The One Where Rachel Quits

#11 - #15 Filesonic | Mega
#11 バースデイ・キッス/The One Where Chandler Can't Remember Which Sister
#12 ジェラシーで大混乱!/The One with All the Jealousy
#13 モニカの恋、再び・・・/The One Where Monica and Richard are Just Friends
#14 フィービーの歌がCMに!/The One with Phoebe's Ex-Partner
#15 恋の行方<前編>/The One Where Ross and Rachel Take a Break

#16 - #20 Filesonic | Mega
#16 恋の行方<後編>/The One on the Morning After
#17 5人のスキー旅行!/The One Without the Ski Trip
#18 愛さえあれば年の差なんて!/The One with the Hypnosis Tape
#19 億万長者とデート/The One with the Tiny T-Shirt
#20 ハートブレイク/The One with the Dollhouse

#21 - #25 Filesonic | Mega
#21 モニカの夢、実現?/The One with the Chick and the Duck
#22 レイチェルの勘違い!/The One with the Screamer
#23 フィービーはどっちも好き/The One with Ross's Thing
#24 格闘技は男の美学!?/The One with the Ultimate Fighting Champion
#25 渚でロスとレイチェル・・・/The One at the Beach

seiyuu: hirata hiroaki, seiyuu: adachi shinobu, seiyuu: tanaka atsuko, genre: jp dubbed video, seiyuu: mizushima yuu, seiyuu: fukami rika

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