SPN Fic: A Silver Vision (Come and Rest My Soul) Anna/Dean

Jun 22, 2013 08:04

Title: A Silver Vision (Come and Rest My Soul)
Author: june
Characters/Pairing: Anna/Dean
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: well, mpreg
Word Count: 1900
Notes/Summary: It's Annaweek on tumblr and seeing as I love Anna more than lots of real people I know, I thought I'd participate. I've been wanting to write a thing for this beautiful art from a_biting_smile so here it is--how it came to be that Anna got Dean knocked up.

Note 2--I like to think that this takes place in The Mark Death Made 'verse but it's totally not necessary to have read those to get this.

Note 3--I have big exciting news that I need more time and space to gush about so--look for big exciting news in the next few days!!!

The vial containing her grace shattered on the ground-raw energy flooding out and curling restlessly along the barn floor and around her feet.

"Cover your eyes!" she shouted. "Cover your eyes!" It called to her, sang of power and joy and justice, but Anna's human heart broke. In the instant before her grace burned its way back inside her, she remembered her first sleepovers and the horror of school dances, Saturday Night Live and her roommate's Gilda Radner impression, bagels from Montreal and crashing her bicycle. She remembered making out with her first boyfriend for hours with no pressure to go further and she remembered Dean's skin under hands, bruise-soft and brittle as old bone.

Her eyes lifted to his and she saw that, despite her warning, they were open and on her. Anna looked away and sucked in a slow breath, drawing her grace up in a writhing cloud around her body.

But then a funny thing happened-it didn't stay. It circled restlessly around her throat and then left her. She watched in alarm as her grace seemed to fall again-like a shooting star, only this time with far less distance to cross. It flared and burned away both Uriel and the demon who had come for her, then landed in an explosion of light and heat-right where Dean stood.

"No!" she cried even as Dean's own shout of surprise was abruptly cut short. Through the terrible glare, she saw him drop to his knees, saw Sam throw his arms up to protect his face against the burning light, then watched as Dean curled forward, arms wrapped around his middle.

When the light had faded enough to see clearly, Anna found that Dean was-glowing. Her grace, rather than settling in the throat like it should have, flickered low in Dean's belly like a pulsing heartbeat.

Instantly Sam stepped between them, filled with the righteous anger of the protective younger brother way out of his depth. "What just happened?" he demanded. "What did you do to him?"

Anna took a hesitant step closer. "I-I don't know. I thought I would get my grace back and become an angel, just like we planned but-"

"That's not what happened," Sam barked, stating the obvious. "Did you make him like them?"

"No." Castiel's voice surprised them as he emerged from across the barn. He'd been clear of the blast radius but as Anna tensed, it was clear he had no intention of harming her just then. He came to them now, his head cocked to the side and his eyes narrowed in concentration. "Dean is not an angel. If Anna's grace had entered him as it was supposed to have her, he would have been killed instantly."

"Then what-"

"I'm okay," Dean said, finally speaking. He was still on hands and knees, but when he reached out for Sam, he came to his feet easily enough. He looked all right, Anna decided, which should have been impossible considering that he had her grace inside him somewhere. He kept one hand on Sam but his slightly bowed legs were steady.

Castiel, ever the curious and abrupt one, stepped right up to him and pressed a hand to his abdomen. Dean reacted instantly, shoving Castiel's hand and turning his body away from him. "Whoa, back off-you don't just touch people there," he said, voice a little rough, a little afraid. He'd backed away from Sam, too, and now both hands hovered uncertainly over his glowing stomach. He looked between Anna and Castiel, seeking an answer, but she could only shrug.

Castiel frowned, eyes still narrowed. "This is very strange," he said. "It should not be possible."

"What is it?" Sam asked, looking frustrated enough to start swinging.

"Dean is pregnant."

From behind them, Ruby snorted a disbelieving laugh and Anna looked up to see her pushing herself to her feet, still looking ragged. "Is this a joke?" she asked. "Some Immaculate Conception bullshit? Because I can assure you, there's nothing immaculate about him."

Castiel's lip curled and he didn't look at Ruby when he answered, eyes fixed on Dean. "I do not joke, and in any case, I would not about this."

"What is it?" Dean asked, and Anna could see him trying to push courage in front of his fear. "Is it another one of you douchebags?" His chin jutted out in challenge, but Castiel only shook his head.

"No. It is human-a human female. It is also gestating rapidly. If nothing is done, you could give birth in as little as six weeks."

"'If nothing's done?'" Dean echoed.

"You're not doing anything to him," Sam said, putting one big arm in front of Dean.

Anna took a step back, letting their argument swirl around her. The fact that Castiel was arguing at all and not snatching her and Dean away gave her some hope. He was curious so he was indulging the humans. Or maybe he was simply so starved for interaction with a species that felt things, he was willing to draw out the conversation. Either way, Anna took advantage of his distraction. She took the jack-knife from her pocket - the one Dean had given her when he said he had to give her up for Sam - and cut deeply into her forearm. Pain rippled through her as she dipped her fingers into the gash and quickly painted the symbol for banishment onto the floor.

As she completed the symbol, she felt eyes on her and looked up to see Castiel squinting down at her, the corner of his mouth pressed in what might have been a smirk. Was he allowing her to finish? Not waiting to find out, she pressed her bloody palm to the floor and completed the banishment, the barn once again flaring full of bright light as he disappeared.

When she'd blown him far enough away, she rose to her feet, swaying slightly from blood loss. Dean was already by her side, ubiquitous bandanna pressed to her arm to slow the bleeding. "We need to talk," she said.

Dean wrapped an arm around her waist as he helped her over to a hay bale. "Yeah, we do."

"And we need to hide. I can rest in the car on the way to somewhere not here."

She could hear the smile in Dean's voice. "Fine, just don't bleed on the seats."

"Oh, so those other bodily fluids you were okay with."

He actually chuckled at that and pressed a quick kiss to her temple. "That goes under the 'talk later' category."


Back in Bobby Singer's panic room, Anna stood with a can of spray paint, shaking it idly. She remembered who she was now, knew her language, knew a bit more about what her human body was capable of. Still, her human brain could only recollect so much at once, so it felt like she was dragging the symbols for protection and concealment out of the deepest recesses of her mind. It had had been over twenty years since she'd used them-all of her human life, and only a moment of her celestial existence.

An existence that was lost to her now, probably forever. Or for however long she could make this human life last. Maybe it'd be longer than average, endowed as she was with a few angelic perks.

Finishing with the spray paint, she turned to where Dean sat on the cot, his back propped up against the wall. She offered a nervous smile and he returned it just as shakily. He'd stopped glowing, but hadn't moved his hand from his abdomen since they'd left the barn-he'd even driven one-handed.

"How do you feel?" she asked, coming to sit next to him, and perching carefully on the edge of the cot.

"Weird," he answered readily enough. "Hijacked."

"I had a pregnancy scare when I was eighteen," she volunteered.

"You?" he laughed. "The preacher's daughter?"

She shrugged. "He was in a band."

"Mm." Dean nodded as if he understood, though she could tell he was mocking her.

"And he was a tool," she sighed.

"But you weren't actually... "

"No, I wasn't."

"Do you really think I am? Am I really...?"

"Knocked up?" He nodded, mouth twisted in a crooked smile. "I don't know, but I don't think Castiel was lying. I could-I could check for myself?" she said, sliding a little closer.

Hesitating only a moment, Dean scooted down the wall a bit and then lifted his shirt to his armpits. Anna reveled in her very human admiration of his torso and was selfishly grateful that she'd been spared the return to a life she had left behind without regret. But what had she done to Dean's life?

He jumped when her fingers brushed his belly and she looked up quickly, an apology on her lips. But he only shook his head. "It's okay, sorry," he said. "Cold hands, that's all."

"Yeah," she said. "They've always been like that. Or, I mean-"

"I know what you mean."

Spreading her palm and fingers on his abdomen, she sucked in a quick breath. "It's there," she said quickly. "My grace is there, inside you-I can feel it."

"What, like that tree in the field?" he asked, brows drawn together.

"Yes," she said. "Pure creation."

"But it's not a little tree in there."

"No," she said, smiling. "Those are human cells." Quickly sobering, she drew her hand back. "What do you wanna do?"

He replaced hers with his own, rubbing his broad square palm against his belly. "Beats me. I'm still stuck on how it happened in the first place. The way I remember it, we inserted tab A into slot B just like it said on the instructions. How come you're not the one with the bun in the oven?"

"Angels don't reproduce the way humans do," she said with a shrug. "Even with this human body, I'm not sure I actually could get pregnant. You and I were joined and... I guess my grace was drawn to the potential in you rather than me."

Dean bit out an ugly laugh. "Right. Because when you think 'Dean Winchester,' you think 'divine incubator.'"

"You are a righteous man," she said quietly.

His mouth pressed tight and he looked away. "Yeah, maybe I was. But you know what I am now-what else is in me besides an angel baby."

Reaching for his hand, she felt warmth flush through her when he twined their fingers together and held on tight. "You are a creature of two worlds, like me."

"I'm not like you," he said. "I'm not good like you."

"Then what does this mean?" she asked, placing their joined hands over his stomach. "What does it mean for you, Dean?"

He twitched a shrug that may have been a shiver. "What if it's a monster?" he asked, voice barely above a whisper.

"I don't think it is."

He looked up at her, naked hope written across his handsome face, and her heart beat wildly in her ribs.

"Maybe this is how I make up for what I did-for what I am. Maybe this is how I make it right."

"There's nothing to atone for, Dean," she said, leaning her forehead against his temple. "What happened to you-it wasn't your fault. Please believe me."

He turned just enough so that their lips were nearly brushing. "Anna, it's what I have to believe-I chose to get off that rack. This can be my choice, too."

The warmth between them welled into an ache of emotion in her throat, one of terrible sadness for what he had endured. But the hope on his face was real.

She nodded slightly and felt humor in his grin as he spoke. "So, which is it do you think-are you the baby-daddy or am I?"

Anna laughed and drew her knees up onto the cot so that she could curl against his side. "Maybe there's a book on it. I could get you a parenting book, if you want."

"Nah, I'll just add it to the gift registry."

verse: the mark death made, spn, fic

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