Voila! Mine icons post. No Battlestar Galactica this time, because I still haven't seen season 2, and I can't watch season 1 again just yet. I have: Farscape, Firefly, SG-1, Atlantis, Random (Trek mostly) and 2 wallpapers! One of the walls has three resolutions for you to pick from: 800x600, 1024x768 AND 1680x1050. The third was mostly for my
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Wondering... I never watched Stargate, though I am a huge Farscape/Firefly fan. I know that Claudia Black was on that for awhile.. (I love the wallpaper, btw)
Would you be willing to make me an Ayren icon? There were a few, but I'd like something a little more.. "classic". I love the Stargate one, but since I don't know the character.. I would love you forever!
Claudia Black guested in seasons 8 and 9 of Stargate SG-1, and is now a regular for season 10. Her character is Stargate is completely different from Farscape.
I'd gladly try to make you an Aeryn icon, but I've never done a request before (oh, wow, thank you again). When you say "classic," you mean... More like Farscape season 3 than season 1 (like, less happy-go-lucky)? Because all of these Farscape icons are from the Pilot. Oh, yes, and I haven't see season 4 yet, so I don't know what it's like.
By "classic" I just mean... um.. all of her face really! The Stargate one is perfect, because even if you don't know who she is you can still say "Huh. Pretty Lady." Except that I don't know the character.. and that just won't do. *grin*
So, something along that line... A mesh perhaps of "Pretty Lady" and "Total Badass".
(ps... the one I took is absolutely adorable. I love Ron..)
Ohh, I get it. It's just me overanalyzing, as usual. I'll try my best, but first I have to go find some more screencaps... From season 3...
You're very welcome :)
PS--Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was my favourite of the movies, just because they all looked adorable and short.
Thanks, I can't wait to see! *bounces*
I think I liked the first HP movie best, but Prisoner of Azkaban is still my favorite out of the books. :)
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