Jul 12, 2006 22:30
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You know you're in Arizona if...
1. You are willing to park three blocks
away because you found shade.
2. You can open and drive your car without
touching the car door or the steering wheel.
3. You've experienced condensation on your
ass from the hot water in the toilet bowl.
4. You would give anything to be able to
splash cold water on your face.
5. You can attend any function wearing
shorts and a tank top.
6. "Dress code" is meaningless at high schools
and universities (picture lingerie ads).
7. You can drive for four hours in one
direction and never leave town.
8. You have over 100 recipes for Mexican food.
9. The four seasons are: TOLERABLE, HOT,
10. You know that the heat you feel when you
walk outside is comparable to what hits you in
the face when you open your oven door.
11. You think someone driving wearing
oven mitts is brilliant.
12. Salsa is a part of your daily diet.
13. You can listen to a weather report
of 117 and not flinch.
14. You notice your car overheating
before you drive it.
15. You can pronounce San Xavier, Saguaro,
Tempe, and Cholla
16. You no longer associate bridges
or rivers with water.
17. You know a swamp cooler is not
a happy hour drink.
18. You can be in the snow, then drive for
an hour...and it will be over 100 degrees.
19. You can make sun tea instantly
20. You run your a/c in the middle of winter
so you can use your fireplace.
21. The best parking is determined
by shade.....not distance.
22. You realize that "Valley Fever"
isn't a disco dance
23. You actually burn your hand
opening the car door
24. Sunscreen is sold year round,
kept right at the checkout counter.
25. You put on fresh sunscreen just
to go check the mail box
26. Some fools will market mini-misters for
joggers and some other fools will actually buy
them. Worse... some fools actually try to jog.
27. You know hot air balloons can't
rise because the air temperature is
hotter than the air inside the balloon.
28. No one would dream of putting vinyl inside a car
29. You see more irrigation water on the street
than there is in the Salt River, and, on that note,
you have to go to a fake beach for some fake waves.
30. You can fry an egg on the hood of
31. You think a red light is merely a suggestion.
32. Most of the restaurants in town have
start with "El" or "Los."
33. Your house is made of stucco and has a tile
roof OR it is made of Tin and you broil all year long.
34. You think 60 tons of crushed red rock
makes a beautiful yard.
37. People who have black cars or black upholstery
in their car are automatically assumed to be from
out-of-state or nuts.
38. You know better than to get into a car with
leather seats if you're wearing shorts.
39. You can't find anyone at a park until 7:00 PM
40. You tell people 120 isnt bad because its a dry heat.
41. You actually get these jokes and pass
them on to other friends from Arizona.