My Graphics for the Avengersland Challenge Community!
Pic Spams
Inspired by Challenge 8.1: What if the Avengers were set in a dystopian future?
Avengers, in the style of 'Cabin in the Woods.'
Small/Medium Graphics
(598 x 244)
Alternate title: What an arc reactor would look like if Tony constructed it using only Microsoft Paint.
(500 x 267)
(500 x 238)
Character Graphics
Inspired by Team Challenge #1: Graphics for gender-bent Bruce and Clint
Story Graphics
Other graphics sprinkled throughout challenge entries…
Fic written for the Thor Character Challenge
Fic written for the Leading Ladies Challenge
Challenge Entries
Graphics for the Tony Stark Character Challenge:
Wallpaper for the Hawkeye Character Challenge:
Click for full size
Icons for the Director Fury Character Challenge: