[21:34] stubbornhealer: ...
[21:34] stubbornhealer: what the fuck
[21:34] justlysarcastic: If it won't destroy her--
[21:34] justlysarcastic: ...
[21:34] gattaida: ...
[21:34] ShokoraKukki: ...
[21:34] thewondertwit: ...
[21:34] thewondertwit: Keia
[21:34] vagina rats: .........
[21:35] justlysarcastic: I-I think I'm crying a little.
[21:35] thewondertwit: stop typing
[21:35] stubbornhealer: emil and rcitro
[21:35] stubbornhealer: richt
[21:35] vagina rats: LOL
[21:35] stubbornhealer: HIM
[21:35] stubbornhealer: THAT DUDE
[21:35] stubbornhealer: HIS BOYTOY
[21:35] vagina rats: SMELLY
[21:35] justlysarcastic: HOW DID EMIL = SMELLY.
[21:35] vagina rats: I LOVE IT
[21:35] justlysarcastic: THAT'S JUST.
[21:35] justlysarcastic: /DYING
[21:35] thewondertwit: we have got to start writing those down
[21:35] RenegadeAngel983: /can;t breathe
[21:35] ShokoraKukki: /dies
[21:35] thewondertwit: EMIL SMELLS
[21:35] thewondertwit: like gay
[21:35] shadowdr5: /dies
[21:35] stubbornhealer: smells like rainbows
[21:35] gattaida: ...what does gay smell like.
[21:35] thewondertwit: smells like unicorn farts
[21:35] vagina rats: ^ that
[21:35] justlysarcastic: /dead forever
[21:36] gattaida: I am afraid I've never been privy to flatulent unicorns.
[21:36] ShokoraKukki: Someone should LJ this.
[21:36] thewondertwit: omg, sol
[21:36] vagina rats: it's like a horse fart
[21:36] thewondertwit: /dying
[21:36] vagina rats: but gayer
[21:36] RenegadeAngel983: /literally crying
[21:36] stubbornhealer: no, no
[21:36] stubbornhealer: it smells like dist
[21:36] thewondertwit: who smells like unicorn farts
[21:36] ShokoraKukki: *reads that as dirt*
[21:36] stubbornhealer: LOL
[21:36] justlysarcastic: XDD
[21:36] gattaida: Kukki is now Kade.
[21:36] gattaida: *Jade
[21:36] stubbornhealer: ...
[21:36] ShokoraKukki: XDD
[21:36] stubbornhealer: this is the fail that doesnt end
[21:36] gattaida: NO IT'S SPREADING
[21:37] stubbornhealer: it goes on and on my friend
[21:37] thewondertwit: "Who's that woman with him? Is that his lover?"
[21:37] justlysarcastic: /DISAPPEARES
[21:37] thewondertwit: ilu hattie
[21:37] ShokoraKukki: Emil smells like dirt.
[21:37] thewondertwit: ilu
[21:37] justlysarcastic: ... /SIODS
[21:37] justlysarcastic: ...
[21:37] justlysarcastic: /DISAPPEARS.
[21:37] thewondertwit: ...
[21:37] justlysarcastic: YES.
[21:37] stubbornhealer: some people started failing not knowing what it was
[21:37] justlysarcastic: GODDAMMIT.
[21:37] vagina rats: .........
[21:37] stubbornhealer: and they'll continue failing forever just because
[21:37] vagina rats: how
[21:37] justlysarcastic: I'M GOING TO JUST.
[21:37] justlysarcastic: MAKE ICONS.
[21:37] vagina rats: do you get siods
[21:37] vagina rats: from
[21:37] thewondertwit: keia stop giving us typoaids
[21:37] vagina rats: disappears
[21:37] ShokoraKukki: I WISH I COULD MAKE ICONS ):
[21:37] stubbornhealer: ... /read that as aid
[21:37] stubbornhealer: s
[21:37] justlysarcastic: I HAVE APSOLUTELY NO IDEA.
[21:37] justlysarcastic: ... *ABSOLUTELY.
[21:37] vagina rats: .......
[21:37] stubbornhealer: xD
[21:37] justlysarcastic: ... I'M LEAVING
[21:37] ShokoraKukki: Chat's closing due to AIDS ):
[21:37] vagina rats: GODDAMMIT SAPPH
[21:37] RenegadeAngel983: OH GOD GUYS THE FAIL IS SPREADING
[21:38] vagina rats: LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE
[21:38] RenegadeAngel983: I showed it to my friend, and then...
[21:38] stubbornhealer: No one is safe. Not even madagascar :|
[21:38] shadowdr5: Vil are we gonna keep going on that thread or is it done
[21:38] vagina rats: /RUBS HER NOSE IN THE CARPET
[21:38] gattaida: DON'T MUNCH IT SHIRU
[21:38] RenegadeAngel983: [22:37] RenegadeAngel983: ... wow, my friend is... amazingly special. She meant to ask "what are Emil and Richter's usernames" but it came out as "LUNA WHAT ARE SMELLY AND RICHTOSKS USERNAMES?"
[22:37] Rosiel: O_O
[22:37] Rosiel: THAT IS AWESOME LOLl
[22:37] RenegadeAngel983: I DON'T EVEN KNOW BUT I CAN'T BREATHE
[22:37] Rosiel: ... That was supposed to spell "lol" not "loli"
[21:38] justlysarcastic: ...
[21:38] thewondertwit: ...
[21:38] vagina rats: BUT IT'S SAPPH'S NOSE
[21:38] ShokoraKukki: ...
[21:38] stubbornhealer: ...
[21:38] justlysarcastic: Oh god, Sapph's fail is that contagious.
[21:38] thewondertwit: but whose carpet are you rubbing it in /awesomeface
[21:39] vagina rats: ...........
[21:39] RenegadeAngel983: /just dead forever
[21:39] justlysarcastic: ... Where did that underlining come from.
[21:39] reine clouds: ...
[21:39] thewondertwit: ...
[21:39] gattaida: the fail.
[21:39] reine clouds: pfffffft
[21:39] vagina rats: ...
[21:39] thewondertwit: kyio.
[21:39] thewondertwit: get out.
[21:39] justlysarcastic: ... Clearly.
[21:39] justlysarcastic: No.
[21:39] justlysarcastic: :|
[21:39] stubbornhealer: my eyes are burning
[21:39] shadowdr5: bwahahaha
[21:39] justlysarcastic: I'm too busy crying from laughing so hard.
[21:40] stubbornhealer: but shad has that font
[21:41] vilyasage: shad has courier new
[21:41] stubbornhealer: yeah
[21:41] thewondertwit: shad
[21:41] vilyasage: i like
[21:41] thewondertwit: has housefont
[21:41] shadowdr5: I have johnnyfont
[21:41] vilyasage: ignore the font
[21:41] stubbornhealer: so she's unidentifianle
[21:41] vagina rats: I missed redfont shad
[21:41] vagina rats: ...
[21:41] stubbornhealer: *idnetinfuable
[21:41] shadowdr5: actually this is housefont
[21:41] vagina rats: ....
[21:41] stubbornhealer: IDENTIFIFABLE
[21:41] thewondertwit: ...
[21:41] stubbornhealer: ARGGH
[21:41] gattaida: ...
[21:41] vilyasage: unidentifiable
[21:41] justlysarcastic: XDDD
[21:41] stubbornhealer: .... no. identtifiable
[21:41] shadowdr5: wooooo
[21:41] vagina rats: ...
[21:41] shadowdr5: Identifiable?
[21:41] justlysarcastic: Identifiable.
[21:41] stubbornhealer: ... yes.
[21:41] stubbornhealer: that.
[21:41] stubbornhealer: that word.