Oct 29, 2011 21:04

[ Age ] 17

[ Height ] 182cm

[ Weight ] 63 Kg

[ Medical Info ] Blood type A

[ Birthdate ] 1986-Mar-13

[ Eyes ] dark brown

[ Hair ] dark brown

[ Physical traits ] is a delinquent

[ What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her ] Don't mention how he accidentally got his best friend killed. It still bugs him even though his mother forgave him for it & said it wasn't his fault.

[ Abilities ] he can kind of do rhythmic gymnastics

[ Notes for the Psychics ] whatevs

[ Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc? ] sure

[ Maim/Murder/Death ] go ahead. kill him. no permission needed

[ Cooking ] Wataru's mom's cooking.
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