Feb 07, 2005 16:20
Dig this guys, I get home from school today, walk through the door and I'm met with my mom's crying, like usual. I really thought nothing of it and carried on with my own business until she lifts her head up and like screams how sorry she is. I was very confused. I asked her, "For what?!" And she says, I shit you not, "I'm so sorry that I forgot Valentine's Day!" What. The. Fuck. Through my stunned-ness at her utter insaity, I attempted to put on as non-condescending tone as I could and said, very calmly, "Ma, today is the seventh of February." To which she replies, "Oh." Why is she so crazy? Really, just ... why? Needless to say, after I went upstairs I laughed, but ... I was also really sad because my mom has become pretty sad of a human being.
lol, Moving on. So, I pretty much stayed after school for no apparent reason. Whateva, I chatted with Jimmy for a bit. That kid is quite the insane. But he exists souly so that I can smile in the hallways. After that my daddy picked me up again. And that's actually pretty cool. Despite like ... him doing everything bad that a father can possibly have done to a family ... I love him. Perhaps because I don't actually remember him having done anything bad because I was so little. I mean, obviously I didn't see him growing up what with the jail and the rehab and such, but I mean, it's okay. Ha, it's okay, that's a lie, but a funny one. I think I might like my dad as a person more than my mom because well ... I don't have to deal with his insanity (and trust, there's a lot) every day and first hand. I do with my mom. Even though my mom absolutely has her awesome moments it varies depending on the meds. And I hate the uncertainty of her mood. With my dad I don't have to listen to or be affected by it. I can hug him and my dad hugs the best in the world :-D and see him when the family gets together - he gives me money, I tell him things, we laugh at my grandma - the end. Not ideal, but fine. See, I'm more mad at Mikey as a person because well, probably because I am more cognesent of my life ... now as oppossed to when I was two. Plllluuus, my mom and I are a lot more fucked over now than we were then. lol. Whew, I don't know where this all came from, Bright Eyes puts me in a share-y mood I suppose.
For reference- Bright Eyes is totally not good bus ride to school music. It's good night time, mid afternoon, quiet morning, drowsy evening, foggy weather, rain, wind, snow, Fall, Winter, early Spring, late Summer music. lol, But they are hard to listen to with like 50 rejects on a bus in New Britain. Hmm, I want to go to a show. I also want to watch mad movies annnd have some mother fucking tacos. I also want my CD player to re-work-afy and my DVD player to STOP FUCKING SKIPPING. Rawr. The only good thing about this expander is that I don't eat nearly as much as I used to. Or usually do, whatever. I barely eat. lol Woo hoo for orthodontia enduced anorexia. Just kidding yo. He continues to be dead, by the way. :-P Also, people who are cool should post and tell me what they're taking for next year, just cuz I can abslutely not make any decisions on my own at all ever.