Feb 22, 2005 16:31
today was better. i just dont wanna....finish the week. dont wanna go to dance. but i will. cause deep down i know i love it. it truly feels like it should be friday. but it isnt. its fricken tuesday.
dude i totally agree with best week ever. whats up with all the guys turning to mooshy softies? like will smith and vin deisel not that hes not a bad actor already. whatever. i sorta wanted to see the pacifier. it just looks kinda stupid. not that ill be not-lazy enough to go to the movies. jeese my jeans are gonna die soon from all the rips on the bottom from all the water i walk in and the snow with small shoes. i walk on them when i walk cause they're long with my shoes. ill be sending the funeral invitations when the tragic event occurs.
"well luke still sees you as a five year old with (blah blah dont know) going to people's doors inviting them to a catapiller's funeral."
hehehe. i love it. its on tonight. every week keeps getting better. (gilmore girls) hmm im tired.