jobbie opps

Apr 03, 2005 14:59

My company has gained yet another account from Lowe's - this makes like 8 or so.

With this acquisition comes restructuring of our young and growing company. Which means promotion opportunities. They redrew the divisions and districts. Added a regional manager, which meant a promotion for my district manager. To shorten it up a bit, my name came up to replace him (from high places). So, tomorrow, I'll be doing an 'official' interview, which is basically meant to be an info session so I know what I'll be gettign myself into, should I decide to take it.

And I do plan on taking it. More money, check. Annual bonuses, check. Better expense acount, check. Better company cell phone plan, check. Company laptop, check. More travel, check. Larger region (we took on the Las Vegas area), check. More work, check.

Resume fodder: chiggidy-check. From part-time fto district manager in less than 9 months, check-ya-self.


promotion, ddp, job

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