(no subject)

Jun 27, 2004 09:22

One of my friends set me up with this girl like 2 weeks ago,so we went on date about 1 week ago and she seems like a
nice chick.I also just found out like yesterday that my Ex has gone back to her Ex (The b/f before me).She had told me once that she would NEVER go back to him cause he "broke her heart".....I guess he didn't.I guess when girls are on the "rebound" they will even go back to someone who hurt
them in the past.But why.......why would they do this????
I mean when you promise someone something (Even if you broke u p with them)shouldn't you keep your promise????
Women always btich that they are the ones that are truthful
in relationships,Well right now I beg to differ.
I guess when you girls break up with your b/f you think that everything you said in the relationship is VOID and right now THATS the truth.
I know i shouldn't be generalizing but this is what seems to happen in every relationship,and I'm not the only one this has happened to.
I have to "Take my leave" lol right now so I'll try to post later on this week cya'll
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