Jul 08, 2012 14:59
Sometimes I regret not going in a pre-vet track to become a veterinarian like I always wanted to when I was a kid. I chose not to though because I got into Michigan (UM). As a freshman, I talked to an academic advisor and told her that I wanted to become a veterinarian, and she said that if I wanted to do that, it would be better to go to Michigan State. I was so happy, excited, and proud of myself for getting into Michigan that I couldn't imagine turning it down for another school. So I ended up staying and pursuing sociology, which is a major I do love and am obsessed with. However, I wish I'd doubled major, or at least ignored my advisor and pursued pre-vet here, despite the weak program. Hmm. Someday maybe I will go back to school, after I pay off all these loans for a degree that I may never actually be able to use....