Mar 18, 2007 04:28
We've been sick for over a week now and the damn sick shows no signs of breaking. For the last day or so I've been without a voice, so that kind of sucks. The UW invited us to be visiting critics for the grad review last Thursday and we probably shouldn't have gone, considering how we were not feeling all that well, but we did anyway because we're masochists. Apparently it went really well, but I don't really have a memory of it because 1) I generally go on auto-pilot for those sorts of events, and 2) I was doped up on cold medicine. We have way too much stuff to do right now and can't really afford ($$$ or time wise) to be ill. 3 big classes to plan & teach for this week and we have to get April's weekend lesson plan hammered out really soon. Not to mention a piece for a show that's due on Thursday as well as a million other things that I can't even go into naming because it'll just totally depress me that we just don't have enough time to do everything.
It was actually really good to be in Madison. It was the first time we'd been back since we moved 7 months ago. We got to go to some of our favorite restaurants (and we know now why we weighed so much more in Madison than we do here) and hang out with some awesome people. I miss you Pel'meni. We bought new wedding rings! James' doesn't fit him anymore and I lost mine in the move, so we haven't been wearing any since. It was a nice little present for ourselves. Some time away from Madison definitely showed me that living in Madison is kind of like putting a blanket over your head, putting your fingers in your ears & going "LA LA LA LA LA." That can definitely be both a good and a bad thing. It's a very easy city to live in, which again can be both a good and a bad thing. Of course everyone wants to have it easy - why wouldn't they? - but at the same time I can see why there are so many people with master's degrees working at coffee shops. It's an easy city to live in if you don't want to grow up and prefer to just kind of float by. Again, a good and a bad thing.
I didn't get to eat a Jin's chicken sandwich though. That was a bummer. Damn those are tasty sandwiches.