Fails, Tales... Automobiles? That rhymes, right...?

Jun 19, 2010 01:29

I sorta failed the meme.
Whatever. XD

I just finished watch Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang- y'know, the one that Robert Downey Jr. was in before he went to rehab.
And it was fantastic. Seriously. Five stars out of five. Clever, interesting, kept me attentive for longer than ten minutes... it was great. And now I have to go show it to pretty much everyone I know. It's snarky, made me laugh out loud, broke the fourth wall (believe me, that was cool), and was just... so yeah. Yeah. ^_^;

So... I need to learn to read labels. I was at the local DVDS/CDS/Posters store, looking for Buffy seasons. I found the complete season one, full price unfortunately. And then I found a bunch of other, thinner cases... marked 3.99. I thought whatever god, goddess, deity, or whoever may be up (or down) there had smiled on me. I mean, really?! It was a freaking miracle! Way too good to be true, I thought. But the front said Season 2... 3...4...5...6...
So I get in the car, totally psyched, and sharing my find with my other fan of Buffy friend. When I take a closer glance at the casing. Which I really should have done before I bought it. I now possess three episodes of seasons 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. That's 15 episodes. From five different seasons. For 3.99, I should have known better. Note to self: read the stupid casing.

On a totally unrelated note: Green. No, not the color, the guy. Robert Green. The guy who screwed up that goal. Really? I could have caught that, and I'm a striker, not a keeper thanks so much. Why anyone would sign up for having balls kicked in their general direction and have people expect you to put yourself in the way of them is beyond me. England isn't doing so well. But go USA! About time the real football got some popularity around here.

Anyways. I am preparing myself for life without the internet for three weeks. Yup. Well, a day or two in between the first week and the next two. But no internet access for me. I might go into withdrawal. Which reminds me, I'd better finish up that betaing... (sorry C XD Procrastinators unite?)

~ Shayna

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