Apr 30, 2011 14:52
A sexist would say that
Cinderella played backwards
is really the story of a woman
who learns her place,
not realizing that
her mum and sisters are also women.
And Snow White,
if you really think about it,
is the story a woman
who got it on
with seven men!
And her Prince
was just a distraction
from the Reality of Love.
Some day, she will go back
to her 7 men.
Or maybe she will climb
the seven-storied mountain,
discover her own Interior Castle
and its seven rooms,
and in the 7th room,
she will find her
True Prince Charming,
the Beloved
in her Own Heart.
And when will the Beast
emerge out of Aladdin?
And I can't wait for His Jasmin
to jump back to the Ocean,
maybe become
a Little Mermaid
or Whatever She wants to be.
Because, in that Ocean of Love,
she can be whatever she wants to be!
Maybe even re-incarnate
as The Lion King?
Or as Hamlet?
Or....as Steve Jobs?
And thus end this silliness of crappy Disney movies
corrupting young maidens with its Tales of Ridiculous Love
impressing their Young Minds with images of The One,
when, in reality, The One, is in Every One.
There are many Soul Mates in One Life Time,
not just One.