Sep 23, 2007 00:27
Having a job is hard!
D'you know how hard it is to fight the urge to strangle bratty little kids when they come in to the store asking for a specific thing, so you go and try and fit them into it and they cause such a fuss. Ugh.
Then their parents don't even tell them off! So many times I think, well, if I were a mother I'd ...
Yeah. Um. I'd discipline them. I hope. I don't know. I mean, I would now. That is, if I had a kid now. Which I don't. And wouldn't! Er, right now that is ...
Er, anyway, I'm just not used to waking up so early and having to rush around a store with only one other person to count on! While the store is stormed, mind you, but a rush of horrible, horrible customers!
Honestly, sometimes I think that the customers are a bunch of brainless zombies who can only think of one things: insulting the shop assistant as much as they possibly can.
The 'rush hour' point has kind of died down now, thank MERLIN.
So I can hopefully, you know, not go home so exhausted and just feed Rosie say a quick 'hi' to Katia and then collapse on my bed. Before, of course, the rabbits come and scratch me for food. Then I wake up in zombie mode, feed them, and fall asleep on the floor.
The other morning I fell asleep on the bathroom floor. I don't know if Katia saw me or not. She probably though the wrong thing entirely, I'll bet.
So I guess this means I can hopefully go see my boyfriend a bit more. Heh.
lil' fuhrer,