Tales of Kisses and Bogeys

Jun 17, 2024 00:47

Title: Tales of Kisses and Bogeys

Author/Artist: bleedingangel84

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Homophobic relatives, existential crisis

Word Count: 313

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction created for fun and no profit has been made. Rights belong to the respective creators.

Written for: dove_drabbles Prompt 128-Don’t let the moment pass. Indulge. JMDC 220-fading fast

Notes:  Forgive me if this isn’t up to par, but I needed to write some slash right now. Today has been very hard and emotional. And painful.  I wasn’t certain how this would turn out, but I like it. Written as an antidote to my own religiously-motivated homophobic relatives. I very much hope readers enjoy this.

Summary: Harry is questioning many things, but Draco (and Ginny) know who he is.

fandom: harry potter, -prompt 128, rating: pg-13, month: june

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