Kiss on a Dare

Jan 30, 2024 02:43

Title: Kiss on a Dare

Author/Artist: bleedingangel84

Rating: PG

Warnings: Language, Mild suggestion

Word Count: 291

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction created for fun and no profit has been made. Rights belong to the respective creators.

Written for: JMDC  215- look forward; dove_drabbles 123-Be someone you look up to.

Notes:  Just randomness inspired by the prompts. I apologise if this isn’t up to par, but this is the best my brain could come up with in my current circumstances.

Summary: The Gryffindors and Slytherins play an inter-house game of Truth or Dare.

fandom: harry potter, month: january, -prompt 123, rating: pg

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