Kinky Sap

Jun 20, 2021 03:41

Title: Kinky Sap

Author/Artist: bleedingangel84

Rating: NC-17, just to be safe

Warnings: Bdsm, toys

Word Count: 283

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction created for fun and no profit has been made. Rights belong to the respective creators.

Written for dove_drabbles Prompt 92-Have no limits today; JMDC 184-gain, goal, good, gradual, grin

Notes:  Definitely not my usual fare. I don’t usually write too much of anything sexual, but apparently this was in my brain. Who knew? Here I am, pushing my own limits. I hope readers enjoy this.

Summary: It’s Draco’s birthday, but his toy is for Harry’s pleasure.

fandom: harry potter, -prompt 92, month: june, rating: nc-17

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