February Wrap / March Prompt

Mar 04, 2013 19:42

Thank you to all who submitted entries for February!

We drew the name of one participant to be our lucky winner, and that person is...


Congratulations, a prize is on its way to you.

The new prompt for March is:

Temptation is fun...giving in is even better.

Anyone can play! If you are inspired at any time, feel free to join in and post your creations to the community.

-Prompts will come from the messages on the inside of the wrappers of chocolate Dove candies.
-Prompts will be posted at the beginning of each month.
-You may use the prompt as a direct quote, a phrase, or simply convey it somehow in your creation.
-You're free to write/draw any fandom, pairing, threesome, gen fic, etc. Fic of all length, art, drabbles, drawbles, poetry, etc, are all welcome.
-Combine the prompt with other challenges, etc if you wish.
-Please crosspost your entry to the community. (You may of course post to your journal and simply link back when you post to the community.)
-You have until the last day of the month to submit an entry.
-At that time, we will post links to the entries and draw a name from among the participants to receive a prize.

Posting Header:
Please use this form (or something close to it) when posting your submission:

Beta: (if used)
Rating: (G to NC-17)
Warnings: (as needed)
Word Count: (all lengths welcome)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction created for fun and no profit has been made. Rights belong to the respective creators.
Notes: Written for prompt #_ at

Please submit your entry to the community by MARCH 31.


month: march, -prompt 6, -mod post, -prompts

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