*as copied from my notebook*
1/21/07 -- 6:09pm
Listening to Snow Patrol's "new" CD... I don't care how many times I hear "Chasing Cars," I'll never get sick of it. And this pen sucks ASS. [New pen.] There's a line (well, a few) that just slay me:
...I don't quite know
how to say
how I feel.
Those three words
are said too much
but not enough...
There's a double meaning for me-- [even though I found out later the words "they're not enough" are the correct ones; bite me.]
We really do say "I love you" so habitually that it starts to lose its impact; on the other hand, if more people heard "I love you" more, would we get along more? I do have to admit that as much as I swap "I love you" with Jay (which is really only when we say "bye" on the phone), it does make me feel better to say and hear it.
I think I'm gonna splurge and get a pizza for dinner. Yup!
Compared to the last album of Snow Patrol's that I just downloaded from emusic, When It's All Over We Still Have To Clear Up, Eyes Open is so much better. Their lyrics and music [are] much more mature.
I wonder if there's a new Simpsons tonight. I miss Bones. Lost, I can take or leave, and I think the Lost-people know that about their audience too.
So I've decided that I think I'm going to get back on the pill for now. I remember one time, for awhile there, I used the condom and spermicide gel. Or maybe it was the pill and spermicide gel since I let the dude do that nasty thing. I think a condom and spermicide should be okay. I wish I could just get rid of this whole business of worrying about kids and protection, but such is life for the next 20 years or so, right? I mean, if I were to stay on the pill, then that's a LONG time to be on it, right?
I was going to react at my detest at seeing Norah Jones' new album already uploaded to
mp3_share. I mean, I'm all about sharing random songs to get people interested--I also can kinda get behind whole album uploads, especially if they're hard to find. My problem with this situation is that this CD isn't even on the market yet. It's not like Fiona Apple's original Extraordinary Machine. This is just an album leak, and I suppose I just find it wrong to post it before you can buy it. I don't know why--maybe it's because I'm afraid people who'd normally buy it will just illegally download it. I'm weird I guess.
This whole debate about sharing music vs. illegally downloading has so many gray areas for me. I wish I could just pick a side to stand on, but I can honestly say that my music share is about promoting the music. As many Sirsy songs I've uploaded, I've bought in albums for various people. *shrugs*
Watched Elizabeth last night. I've had it for awhile now, but I was waiting for the right mood to hit me. As much as I love Shakespeare in Love, Cate Blanchett should've gotten the Oscar. And, damn, Joseph Fiennes was a man-whore during the Renaissance periods. He's great :)
All I know is that I want pizza and a season six of Curb Your Enthusiasm. I don't that that'll happen tho. *cry*
This is why I hate TV--everything I like ends. Another reason why I'm not big into bands--I take it too personally when a band or TV show I like ends.
Okay, getting pizza before it gets to be 20 degrees outside!
[And 24 is on now!]