#1 On My List of Not Fun Experiences: Car Accidents

May 26, 2014 02:48

It is as though I am incapable of leaving any sense of mystery or intrigue in any journal entry, her: the titles always fully explain and synopsize the posts.

Um, long story short, there was a pretty crappy car accident I was involved in, almost precisely a month ago. Totaled the car, took a fun trip in an ambulance (which I initially nearly refused).

A couple weird things happened, looking back on it all. (Knowing that I was apparently in shock does help add perspective.)

So, the very first phone call I made was to work?? Haha. I remember thinking that I absolutely hadto tell them I was not gonna' be able to make it in, that night. (My fellow manager was confused, then deeply worried, then angry/exasperated that I thought I might be in trouble.... he also told me to hang up and go to the hospital.)

Next, many people were asking me if I was okay. I mostly responded with "I don't know". Maybe an "I think so," once. Mostly, I wasn't feeling much of anything at all. I could not so bouncing/shaking my right leg. Ugh.

And I asked a few times if I should move the car, as I heard another vehicle or two honking, somewhere nearby. I wondered if maybe I could pull the car down the road one or two hundred yards, where there was a shoulder. Then, one of the lovely Surrogate Moms on the Scene would respond that it was impossible, as I had no back wheel to drive on. (Do I mean tire? I think I mean tire...)

Hm. What else? Ooh, I wish I could go back and thank every one of those Surrogate Moms. There were perhaps 4 of them? One called the ambulance, another called the police, and they all looked after me,a total stranger, as though I was someone familiar to them. Someone they cared for. (Ugh. Thinking about them make me tear up.)

They told me to call my Mum, kept me calm, and even told me what all the police would need from the car/width to leave out (license, registration, etc. I totally forget, at this point).

Oh! And I have a newfound respect for/scepticism about action heroes, insofar as how often they just bust right through glass windows. I don't know what materials the windows in their worlds are comprised of, but the glass from car windows is, like, made to be difficult. (All the windows on the driver side of the car shattered when the other car made impact.)

If it touches you, you bleed, and it sticks to skin, stays in clothing, and send to like the hair so one's head. Haha. I kept finding more and more of it on/in my person (read:skin) for several days after the ordeal.

Hm, and speaking of superficial wounds, the seatbelt, while a lifesaver, cut into my shoulder so hard that I had bruises and some very intense, almost, carpet-burn. Ouch. Abrasions from that are so visible. Yikes.

Final note? The whole hospital was cold. The radiology department(/ wing?), though? Was like the deepest circle of hell. They brought me a third blanket for that floor, alone. Ugh

Huh. Guess that's finally it. Just feels good to write this out, at last. Whew!

Guess this explains my month-long interwebs hiatus,eh? Sorry, yo.

P.S. Have since inherited my father's old Volvo stationwagon, to make getting to physical therapy much easier.

P.P.S. Have some very situation-specific driving anxieties, now. Any time I see an amber light, or someone waiting to turn across my lane, I get a serious case of the heebies. (Wonder if my insurance covers psych. care. Haha.)

that time i could have died, real life, boring

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