your doing it wrong.

Sep 20, 2009 23:39


Someone who blogs regularly, saying her guilty pleasure is correcting people's grammar in her head. However, this person regularly (and I mean regularly, I'm a few pages back in this blog, yicchh) mixes up "you're" and "your", to my everlasting and teeth-gritting irritation.

Needless to say, as a grammarian and spelling tyrant, this elicited an outburst along the lines of "REALLY?? REALLY!?!" that had my fiance wondering, from three rooms away, if something was wrong. No, honey, people are just ridiculous. Don't mind me; I'll be over here, mailing her a copy of Eats, Shoots, and Leaves. Which, horribly enough, I'm sure she has already read (willfully ignoring anything to do with the apostrophe, especially the entire chapter devoted to it). Terrifying.

Oh, Henry, you had it right: Why can't the English learn to speak?

Edit: Good lord, it gets worse. I just checked, and when referring to this guilty pleasure of hers, she misspelled 'grammar' ('grammer', of course).

[Ed.: physically pained me to type that title. It fits, but oh, the agony.]

internets! that magical series of tubes, feel: dorktastic

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