The internet has been Up To Things, apparently.
- I has a Dreamwidth account! douxquemiel, again. Grant me access! Or Subscribe! Either way, I'm not offended-- I love to read your ramblings, but you all don't need to read mine, and vice versa. We are honest folk; let's not delude ourselves. So go, grant/subscribe! I'm still not quite sure what I'm going to use it for, but I've staked my claim, in this, our new frontier. And now someone has to die of dysentery.
- I gave my TR wiki a much-needed overhaul, with pictures and headers and fanciful stuff. I stole some of the coding and then modified the shit out of it on my own, and I'm ridiculously, RIDICULOUSLY proud. Wiki coding! I did it!! Go check it out, over here (even though, as I look at it on this PC at work, I realize the background for some of the headers is kind of crappy. DAMMIT). I also fancified my Talk Page, too. Go! Tell me how awesome I am! I DONE DID IT. ALL BY MYSELF. *dolphin noises*
- I'm considering creating public blog, one with my face and name and all things Real and Grown Up (as opposed to this LJ, which is more along the lines of fannish and silly and fabulous). I think it would be Wise, at least-- I know I love sharing my thoughts with you, the Internets, but I think that having something public would be smart, too. I'm intending to go to graduate school at some point and (hopefully) become a minister, and when that time comes, I want to be able to share of at least some of my online ramblings; somehow, I don't think all the content of this blog is quite ministerial, just yet.